Research Method
Research Toolbox
Aristo recognizes the complexity and dynamic nature of our clients' businesses in their markets.
We take a fresh approach to each project, seeking to understand our clients' needs first. Our extensive knowledge and expertise allow us to creatively integrate different methodologies and the use of modern technology to tackle today's business issues.
The end result is a fully tailored solution that gets the best outcome of your investment.
Qualitative Research
Qualitative research is particularly useful in a number of scenarios – when it is exploratory in nature and an in-depth understanding of underlying consumer motives are required. Insights are generated from open-ended responses rather than numeric figures. Our qualitative scope of work covers:
Ethnographic Research
Ethnographic research is the study of human behavior in its natural setting. It is conducted by a moderator who observes or interacts with consumers in real-life contexts.
This method is particularly useful for experience-based products or services e.g. daily rituals, shopping experience, interactions with everyday digital tools & usability experiences etc.
Focus Group Discussion
A focus group is a round table discussion among typically 6-8 people. The target audience is defined and recruited based on a set of criteria. A moderator will facilitate the group to discuss key topics based on the client's key interest areas, in an informal, free-flowing manner.
The interactive nature of a group setting is conducive for generating ideas, problem-solving, uncovering social norms as well as general perceptions.
In-depth interview
An in-depth interview is a one-on-one session conducted by a moderator with a target audience, either face-to-face or through telephone.
In-depth interviews are useful when exploring topics that are more personal, sensitive or requires a high level of confidentiality. It is also an appropriate method for engaging target respondents who are time-poor e.g. high network individuals or senior level executives.
Mystery Shopping Program
Mystery shopping provides an objective and realistic assessment of a company's products, services, and staff performance.
The mystery shopping program is conducted by experienced researchers who play the role of shoppers in a variety of real-life scenarios e.g. making a simple enquiry, specific product questions, lodging a complaint, etc. The entire process is documented in a detailed report with ratings based on key performance metrics, along with relevant comments.
Quantitative Research
The highly customizable and robust nature of primary quantitative research makes it an important tool for our clients to gain an accurate picture of their target market. Aristo's quantitative research field service covers:
Household Interview
The Household interview involves a causal face-to-face interview and observation of specific areas of interest in the household. It is widely used when the product or service of interest is usually consumed in a household setting e.g. exercise equipment, mass media devices, property management etc.
Product Placement Test
The product placement test involves the respondent sampling a product and recording their responses on a dairy for a set period of time. At the end of the trial period, a face-to-face interview is usually conducted by a fieldwork interviewer.
The product placement test is appropriate when immediate responses towards new products or different usage occasions are important.
Street Intercept Interview
Street intercept interview is a face-to-face interview with a respondent who is recruited on the street.
This methodology is well suited for studies where the location is critical e.g. feedback on specific shopping mall experience, or time-sensitive studies e.g. exhibition events, etc.
Telephone Interview
Telephone interview involves fieldwork interviewers equipped with a questionnaire to conduct the survey with respondents based on a random sample of respondents.
To ensure accuracy, data is collected and managed through a computerized system - CATI (Computer-Assisted-Telephone-Interview). The contact numbers are automatically generated by a computer to achieve a random and unbiased sample.
Online Survey
An online survey is a questionnaire that the target audience can complete over the Internet. Respondents receive online surveys via various mediums such as email, embedded over website, social media ,etc.
For efficient data collection, this advanced and efficient online survey platform is chosen by most organizations. More and more organizations depend on the data received and analyzed from online surveys to make integral changes in their functioning.